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Barrettine Methylated Spirit 500ml

Industrial alcohol for general purpose cleaning and thinning some spirit based paints and French polish / knotting products. Hazard safety codes: F, Xn, R11, R20/21/22, R68/20/21/22. Sale will be restricted to over 18s. This methylated spirit from Ba...

Industrial alcohol for general purpose cleaning and thinning some spirit based paints and French polish / knotting products. Hazard safety codes: F, Xn, R11, R20/21/22, R68/20/21/22. Sale will be restricted to over 18s. This methylated spirit from Barrettine is used primarily as a solvent solution to clean your knotted brushes and lint-free cloths after applying a finisher. It can also be used for thinning French polish, and for cleaning other materials, such as glassware. The spirit emits no od

Brand Name Barrettine

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