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FAKRO EHV-AT/08 Thermo Flashing For Up To 90mm Interlocking Tiles - 94cm x 118cm 882508

EHV/AT/08 Fakro Single Universal Tile Flashing With Additional Thermal Insulation (94cm x 118cm) Description: A new and universal Tile flashing EHT-AT Thermo with additional insulation is an ideal solution which guarantees tight and warm connecti...

EHV/AT/08 Fakro Single Universal Tile Flashing With Additional Thermal Insulation (94cm x 118cm) Description: A new and universal Tile flashing EHT-AT Thermo with additional insulation is an ideal solution which guarantees tight and warm connection of the window with the roof covering. EHT-AT Thermo makes it possible to apply insulation of the window above the level of battens. To the inside of the flashing there is glued flexible insulating material which adheres tightly to window frame constituting a thermo-insulated frame. Thermo-insulating material has excellent insulting values (coefficient ’ ). Below the level of the battens the window is insulated by a wool insulating kit XDP. The introduced Thermo flashing enhances U value of the window up to 15% depending on the window type, thus avoiding thermal bridging and heat loss. The EHV-AT Thermo is a universal Tile flashing type and can be used with all types of tile coverings up to 90mm profile depth and with all wooden as well as aluminium-clad plastic roof windows. It is applied as standard to individual windows in the slope of the roof. The flashing may also be used as module flashing for windows used in horizontal and vertical combinations or block groups.  

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